High Commissioner of NZ to the UK visits The Ballance House

On Wednesday 7 June the Ulster New Zealand Trust was delighted to welcome to The Ballance House the newly appointed High Commissioner of New Zealand to the United Kingdom, His Excellency Hon Phil Goff, accompanied by First Secretary Kate Swan from the New Zealand High Commission in London.  The High Commissioner was in Northern Ireland for several business engagements, so we were honoured that he found time in a very busy visit to travel out to Glenavy to see The Ballance House.

Our Executive Chair, Mr Freddie Hall and several of our directors met the High Commissioner and First Secretary on their arrival at The Ballance House. Over tea and light refreshments Mr Goff was introduced to the work of the Trust, its origins and how the vision of Jill McIvor, some 30 years ago, had come to fruition with the restoration of the birthplace of John Ballance, Premier of New Zealand from 1891-93.  Since that early work, the Trust continues to maintain the close links between Ulster and New Zealand through promotion of the profile of John Ballance and the opening of the facility to the wider community.  The High Commissioner took a guided tour of the Trust’s new exhibition, ably given by our Director, Brian Mackey.  

 The High Commissioner was very impressed and complimentary of the work of the Trust and we are very pleased that the High Commission will be promoting the Trust through its tourist offices in New Zealand to New Zealanders planning to visit Northern Ireland.